SUMMARY: Blessings
OVERVIEW: The blessing and benefit of fearing and following God.
BIG IDEA: Those who obey God are blessed.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 128:1
How joyful are those who fear the Lord— all who follow his ways!
Let’s walk through life together. I want to show you the roads to travel on and the paths to avoid. I want to teach you how to act in challenging environments and how to interact with difficult people. I want to remind you to enjoy your freedom and to laugh and sing with hope throughout your day. I want to help you leverage your gifts for the greatest impact and remind you to focus on what really matters.
Basically, I want to teach you to live the way I intended. It’s an incredible opportunity. Will you follow me? Will you remain teachable? Walk with me and learn to listen to my voice even when others shout and demand your attention. There is blessing when you do this, even if some ignore you for not doing things their way. Their prize isn’t as good as it looks and certainly won’t last as long as they think. I offer you hope for eternity, blessings that satisfy your soul forever. You can leave this legacy for generations. Follow me today and find out.
Fear God and obey him. Is there something you continue to do, despite knowing it’s not God’s will? Ask for forgiveness and ask God to give you success in overcoming that area. Ask a friend to pray for you and hold you accountable.
“Forgiveness is always possible” from Unbroken
BONUS Lyric Video
[youtube id=”Opzf_RdT0TA”]