Acts 16

Acts 16. Prison ministry

Acts 16:1-40

SUMMARYPrison ministry

OVERVIEWPaul goes on his second missionary journey and has his first European convert, Lydia, a merchant of expensive cloth. Paul and Silas are arrested and imprisoned, but they lead the jailer and his family to the Lord.

BIG IDEATrust God in your circumstances because he wants to use you to show and tell of his love for others.

KEY VERSEActs 16:29–30 (jailer responds to God’s miracle)
The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

You will see me reaching people that you never thought I could reach. Difficult people are in your life because they need to see and know me. They will see me in you.

You will see my work in circumstances that seem impossible. I can do miracles amid your hardship. I am with you no matter what you are going through, and that is a miracle in itself. I use circumstances to build your character and show you more of me. Let me give you the strength to persevere.

Remember that I am always at work in the world. Even in dire situations, you can find me. I love you and those around you, and I want all people to come to faith. Keep your eyes on me and follow through on all I have asked you to do. Expect miracles, but let me determine the wonders you need. Look to me. Call out to me. And rejoice in what I am doing in and around you.

Thank God for your current circumstances. Write down the activity you see God doing in your life this week (even if it is not what you have been praying for). Rejoice!


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