SUMMARY: A lament
OVERVIEW: Ezekiel laments the destruction of Jerusalem. He sings a funeral song for Judah’s final rulers and concludes with a vine illustration introduced in chapter 15.
BIG IDEA: Don’t rely on your legacy or reputation. Choose to do the right thing.
KEY VERSE: Ezekiel 19:11 (Israel’s kings described)
Its branches became strong— strong enough to be a ruler’s scepter. It grew very tall, towering above all others. It stood out because of its height and its many lush branches.
I am building into you, growing you, and shaping you to be a difference-maker in the world. I want you to make disciples, requiring you to have an active faith, where you commit to investing in a group of people and teach them to obey my words. Apart from me, you can do nothing, so don’t try to accomplish great things on your own. Instead, lean into me and learn from others who know me and love me.
Too many faithful people become faithless. They look to me and learn from me, and then they forget about me. They try too hard and strive to accomplish more than I ask. As a result, they grow tired and disillusioned, and impotent. Don’t fall into their trap. Look at each day through the eyes of faith with a hope-filled heart. Don’t attempt to achieve results on your own. Instead, seek me, listen to me, and follow me.
Stop and seek God’s direction today. Stop what you are doing several times today (3 or more) and be still. Ask God to speak to you and guide you. Reflect on your Bible reading or sit and be still before God.