2 Samuel 8

2 Samuel 8:1-18


OVERVIEWDavid conquers the Philistines and expands Israel’s kingdom. He reclaims some of the lands lost during Saul’s reign.

BIG IDEABe aggressive and authoritative when necessary.

KEY VERSE2 Samuel 8:15
So David reigned over all Israel and did what was just and right for all his people.

I am with you, and I will provide all that you need. There will be times when I call you to take action. Some of those will be challenging or under taxing circumstances, but be strong and courageous. Be bold and go forward in faith and in the knowledge that not only am I beside you, but I also go before you. I will subdue your enemies and allow you to live in peace or give you the ability to endure. When endurance is required, I will also give you the capacity to serve others and build up their faith.

Continue to look to me, regardless of what’s happening around you. I am your constant. I am the rock to hang onto, the fortress where you find rest. Don’t be overwhelmed by your enemies or the task before you. Focus on me. I am bigger than any challenge you will face, and I can get you where you need to go. Stop worrying and start worshipping. I never promised you an easy life, but I did promise to be with you and to provide for you.

Lay all of your requests and desires before God and seek his will for them. Allow God to provide opportunities to take your next steps, or patiently wait for what’s to come. Continue to listen and watch for God’s leadership, as he may have other goals for you.