SUMMARY: Stay alert
OVERVIEW: Peter condemns false teachers and warns believers to stay alert so that they do not unknowingly follow them.
BIG IDEA: Watch out for false teachers.
KEY VERSE: 2 Peter 2:13 (Peter’s description of false teachers)
Their [false teachers] destruction is their reward for the harm they have done. They love to indulge in evil pleasures in broad daylight. They are a disgrace and a stain among you. They delight in deception even as they eat with you in your fellowship meals.
Be alert! Have your spiritual antenna up and always on. There are attractive, intelligent, creative, yet corruptive individuals out there. They will want you to trust them and be adept at knowing the types of things you want to hear them say. But they are setting you up so they can lead you down dark paths of deceit and destruction. I want you to have a heart for others, but be wise when it’s time to walk away. Confront those who live falsely but don’t try to change them—only I can do that.
It takes just as much effort and discipline to follow me as it does to live selfishly. False teachers are well trained in greed when they could be well trained in godliness. And many will know—even teach—how to live godly lives, but I want more than their words. I want healthy hearts that lead to healthy actions that produce life-changing disciples. Look to me today and every day. Sit under good teaching, but I want to be your primary teacher. Seek me, and I will feed you. Turn to me, and I will give you life.
Focus on knowing God and his word. Meditate (think deeply) regularly on Bible verses that stand out. Evaluate why God may have put that verse on your heart and mind. Let his word and Spirit lead you rather than another’s effective teaching. Filter everything you hear through prayer, God’s word, and the wisdom of experienced and trusted believers.