SUMMARY: Mediocre
OVERVIEW: Jehu obeys God and cleans house, killing all of Ahab’s family and destroying Baal worship in Israel. Yet he continued to sin.
BIG IDEA: Don’t live a half-hearted life.
KEY VERSE: 2 Kings 10:28–29 (Jehu’s legacy)
In this way, Jehu destroyed every trace of Baal worship from Israel. He did not, however, destroy the gold calves at Bethel and Dan, with which Jeroboam son of Nebat had caused Israel to sin.
I love zeal and passion. People who are fully engaged and love what they do have a vibrancy about them. They shine and are infectious, attracting others to them. I want people to describe your faith in the same way. I want you to be so excited about our relationship and the blessing of grace that you glow and talk with love and joy in your heart. When you receive my forgiveness and know that I love you, your life will be different.
But don’t be like a firework that shoots high up into the air, lighting the sky with color and beauty, only to fade and fall fast, never again useful. That’s only the appearance of faith, not the real thing. I love excitement, enthusiasm, and creativity. I love energy, too. But more than all of those, I love a repentant heart. I would much rather you be quiet and reflective than temporarily zealous. Receive my love, believe you are forgiven, and walk as a new person in Jesus. You may be quiet now, but the more you discover who I am and what I’ve done for you, the more you will grow in excitement.
Can you identify any hypocrisy in your life? Ask those whom you trust and who know you to point out any areas in which you might be a hypocrite. Confess those areas as sin and ask God to cleanse and purify you. Ask God to help you live a life of integrity.
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