2 John 1

2 John. Not welcome

2 John 1-13

SUMMARYNot welcome

OVERVIEWWe are to love one another, but we must not welcome anyone who intentionally seeks to distort truths about Jesus.

BIG IDEALove others and protect the truth

KEY VERSE2 John 1:10 (John’s warning)
If anyone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don’t invite that person into your home or give any kind of encouragement.

I get so much joy when you love one another. There are many things to learn in the world, but none is as valuable as love. When you receive my love and share it with others, you live well. But the wise person is also discerning. Be kind and respectful to all, but do not welcome into your community those who lead others astray. I say this because many deceivers in the world deny that Jesus came in a real body.

Refute false teaching and cling to what is right. Continue to work hard to know the truth and live the truth. That type of life does not bring salvation—only Jesus does that—but it will protect you. Live out your salvation. Show the reality of your faith to the world. Do not welcome or partner with anyone set on deception and not open to the truth. Give false teachers a chance to know the truth but turn away those who refuse it.

Review and meditate on key verses today about the life of Jesus. Pick a different one to reflect on each time you pause in your day. Try John 1:1, 14; Colossians 1:16; 2:9; John 3:17; Mark 10:45.


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