SUMMARY: Ambassadors
OVERVIEW: Paul shares that although our earthly bodies will fail, we will receive new ones in our heavenly, eternal home. Meanwhile, we are Christ’s ambassadors, given a message of peace to share with those around us.
BIG IDEA: God gave us a message he wants us to believe, receive, and share.
KEY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 5:20 (Paul to the Corinthians)
So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
Your earthly, physical body will get weak with age, but your spiritual body will last forever. Invest in the eternal and live by faith, not by sight. You may hunger for things of the world, but they will not last. Enjoy what you have today, but develop an appetite for something that never fails or fades. And don’t dwell on old things that have passed away. Your sin is gone. Your guilt is gone. Your fear of judgment is gone. In Christ, you are a new person.
I have made you an ambassador. You are my representative in the world. Enjoy this identity. Walk confidently in this identity. Just as there is peace between us, I want everyone to have this same experience. This is your new role in life: let others know peace is available. They can receive and enjoy forgiveness. They no longer have to live in shame. They can enjoy all I have for them and live in peace and joy.
Review and meditate on verse 20. Do you live in the truth of what Christ has done, or does your past still plague you? It will be challenging to be Christ’s representative if you have not trusted God’s offer of hope and peace. Ask God to help you believe if it is difficult, and then remind yourself of this verse anytime you doubt. If you have already received this truth, ask God for opportunities to share it with others today.
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