SUMMARY: Secret weapons
OVERVIEW: Paul reminds the Corinthians to boast only in the Lord. And when they fight battles, they are to use God’s weapons, not the world’s resources.
BIG IDEA: God’s weapons are powerful and effective.
KEY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 10:4 (Paul to the Corinthians)
We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.
You are in a spiritual battle and will be until you are in my presence, but I have not left you alone or unprotected. The Holy Spirit is with you. Be filled and controlled with the Spirit, and he will guide you with my weapons of hope, love, prayer, faith, and my word. Do not turn to the tactics of this world. The world seeks to divide and conquer, while my battle plan includes peace and unity.
The enemy is a liar and will use others to discourage and demean you. Bring every thought and idea to me and allow me to confirm or destroy it. Fill your head and heart with truths from my word. Think deeply about how I view you and others and how I am always at work. The enemy will try to isolate you, so you think you have no hope, but he is the one with none. I am with you forever, so you always have eternal hope at your disposal.
Practice taking every thought captive and bringing it to Christ. When you are overwhelmed and discouraged, review Psalm 46:1. Thank God for being your refuge and strength. Thank him for always being your help in times of trouble. Then ask him to take control of whatever concerns you. Review again the truths from Psalm 46:1 (or another verse) and focus on them every time negative thoughts enter your mind.
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