SUMMARY: Faithful leader
OVERVIEW: Jotham did not reign long, but he reigned well.
BIG IDEA: Don’t let the sins of your family define you.
KEY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 27:6 (Jotham’s obedience)
King Jotham became powerful because he was careful to live in obedience to the Lord his God.
Follow me. You can do it because I have given you the Holy Spirit. You have everything you need to listen and obey. Don’t point to an inferior gene pool or unwholesome family dynamics to justify poor decisions. Toss all the excuses aside. You may have more challenges than others, but you have the same Spirit who gives life, power, and victory over a far-fetched family tree.
I want to do a new work in your family, and I want you to be part of the generation that impacts your family for generations. And you’re not alone. You may think few in your family care about me, but there are some, and others will be turning to me soon. Jotham was powerful because he carefully obeyed me. He followed me despite the cost. Walk with me. Be a rock, one that your family members look to and see conviction and consistency.
Identify the healthy traits and the hurtful traits in your immediate and extended family. Ask God to help you live out the family traits you want to emulate and to overcome the ones you want to avoid.
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