SUMMARY: Humility
OVERVIEW: Rehoboam and the leaders of Israel abandoned God’s law. But after being disciplined, they humbled themselves before God.
BIG IDEA: Confess and recommit.
KEY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 12:12 (God’s response)
Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger was turned away, and he did not destroy him completely. There were still some good things in the land of Judah.
Living a godly life is not easy. Not only will the world, your flesh, and the devil challenge you, but you will be criticized and persecuted by others. But I do not condemn you. If you’ve given your life to me, I am with you today and always. I will supply the strength you need now and throughout your day. Don’t be overwhelmed. Focus on your next step of obedience.
Everyone stumbles. Humility does wonders, however, so admit your sin and start fresh. I won’t reject you. I will empower you to say no to sin and yes to me. But sin has consequences, and you will have to live with the results of your decision. The good news is deciding to turn away from sin—and back to me—will be your best decision. But our relationship is not a game. Choose today who you will serve. I don’t want most of your heart; I want all of it. Surrender to me today.
Choose today to live for Jesus. Don’t get hung up on trying to be perfect. But confess any sin and recommit to following him if you have strayed. And thank God that he always forgives!
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