SUMMARY: Bold statement
OVERVIEW: Rehoboam matures and follows God’s advice through Shemaiah. Instead of attacking his fellow Israelites, he notified the cities in Judah. The priests and Levites abandoned their lands in Israel to return to Judah to worship God at the temple.
BIG IDEA: Obey the words of the Lord.
KEY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 11:16 (God’s worshippers head to Jerusalem)
From all the tribes of Israel, those who sincerely wanted to worship the Lord, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem, where they could offer sacrifices to the Lord, the God of their ancestors.
To obey is better than sacrifice. While I do enjoy your gifts and offerings, I love your obedience. When you obey my words and follow me on the path I’ve laid before you, I receive it as worship. Your obedience is beautiful. It reveals that you’re humble, teachable, and courageous. Anyone can give, but not everyone can obey. Continue to follow me as I lead you and encourage others to do the same.
If you want to improve your ability to hear and obey, begin by following the priests and Levites’ example from today’s chapter: they set their heart of seeking me. They determined they would invest in their day by committing to spend time with me, waiting and listening and searching my scriptures. I speak in all settings, so I may lead you to say or do something in the middle of your workday. But you’ll learn to distinguish my voice from others by sitting with me—like you’re doing now. Continue to seek me. I love you and have much to share. Take frequent timeouts in your day to reconnect with me.
Is God calling you to take a bold step of faith? Reflect not hat question all day. Ask God to reveal anything he wants you to do. If you sense God’s leading, obey what God has put on your heart, even if it’s demanding.