SUMMARY: Eternal value
OVERVIEW: Paul warns Timothy to watch out for false teaching and to train himself for godly living.
BIG IDEA: Train yourself for eternity.
KEY VERSE: 1 Timothy 4:8 (Paul to Timothy)
“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”
You only have one life on this earth. Take care of your mind, body, and soul. But don’t make your body your top priority. You live in a physical world, so the physical body is idolized. Don’t buy that lie. Your body will give you 70, 80, maybe 90+ years on earth. Take good care of it. But your soul lasts forever. Feed your soul and exercise it so that it will grow strong. Any investment in your physical body has a limited return. Any investment in your spiritual body is eternal.
Regardless of your age or season of life, train for eternity. Ignore anyone who says you’re too young or too old or not enough this or that. I’m calling you to follow me. I’m equipping you to serve me on earth and in the new heavens and earth. Instead of worrying about what others think, set an example for all to see in your speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. I am with you forever and will give you the strength you need. Follow me.
Cross-train this week by exercising your body and soul. While getting physical exercise, use the same time to review Bible verses, pray, or reflect on what God is doing in your life. Or listen to an audiobook of the Bible or a Christian book or Bible teaching on a podcast. Take time to reflect afterward on how God wants to use what you listened to in your life.