SUMMARY: Next steps
OVERVIEW: Paul gives instructions for a praying church, a modest lifestyle, and teachable attitudes.
BIG IDEA: God wants a relationship with each of us.
KEY VERSE: 1 Timothy 2:5-6 (Paul’s reminder)
For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.
Nothing is more important than being in a relationship with me. I welcome all people and am ready to receive all who turn to me. If you think you have to first make changes in your life before coming to me or attend church for a certain number of weeks to prove yourself, you don’t. Review today’s key verse. Jesus has done everything you need. There’s no life change required. Come to me, and then we’ll work on anything that needs attention. But don’t wait for tomorrow.
Everyone has a next step to take. Everyone can grow or learn or mature in some way. Perhaps it’s your commitment to pray for leaders or for those you don’t like. Maybe it’s to choose not to be consumed by cultural standards in how you live, dress, think, or play. Perhaps it’s simply enjoying the freedom to lift your hands in praise. I want man and woman, married and single, to turn to me and follow me. Together.
Be prayerful for those in authority and for those who need Jesus. Make a list of key leaders in your life and the world, and designate a day each week to lift them in prayer.