1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel 8:1-22


OVERVIEWIsrael cried out for a king, wanting to be like other nations.

BIG IDEAGod’s will is always better than your natural desire.

KEY VERSE1 Samuel 8:7 (God to Samuel)
“Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.”

Electronics shine and glimmer, friendships warm and encourage, food and drink fill and satisfy. But all are temporary. I bring eternal hope, fulfillment, promise, and peace. Look to me for all that you want and need. I will lead you and provide for you. Don’t be distracted by anyone or anything else. Let me be your leader and king. You think you know what you want and what is best. That may be true many times, but always seek me first. Before making a decision, listen to my instruction.

Too many people—you included—make their own decisions and then ask me to bless them. Or jump into a commitment and then ask for my help or for a way out. Let me simplify your life and protect you and others from unnecessary pain. Call on me throughout your day. As ideas or opportunities come to mind, present them to me. I know you, and I love you. I have your best interest in mind. Seek me and listen. Follow me and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Count the cost. Evaluate your decisions that conflict with God’s will. What is the actual price? Is it worth it?