SUMMARY: Saul dies
OVERVIEW: When Saul and his sons die, God’s prophecy is fulfilled. The people of Jabesh Gilead give Saul a proper burial.
BIG IDEA: Always mourn with those who mourn.
KEY VERSE: 1 Samuel 31:6 (the end of an era)
So Saul, his three sons, his armor bearer, and his troops all died together that same day.
There is much you can learn from others, whether they make good choices or bad. Seek wisdom and absorb from everyone you can. Learn what to do and what not to do. Ask lots of questions and pay attention to how people lead or react in different situations. I will put you in places to acquire skills, so have your eyes and ears open to all that’s happening around you.
Every day will not be pleasant, but it can be profitable. Look to me and discover what I want you to know. Use my word and the life of Christ as your filter, but be a lifelong learner who seeks to understand me in more significant and more profound ways every day. Share your wisdom with others you love and lead, but live a life of faith as you follow me. In good days and bad, you will find me. In every moment of your day, I will be there.
Mourn the loss of others and seek to learn from their lives. Ask family members and friends of those who have passed away to tell you stories from the deceased person’s life.