1 Samuel 3

1 Samuel 3:1-21


OVERVIEWSamuel is learning to hear God’s voice. Instead of compromising God’s word, he speaks the truth.

BIG IDEAWhen God speaks, we must listen and obey.

KEY VERSE1 Samuel 3:10 (Samuel responds to God)
And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

I am speaking all the time. Learn to hear my voice. I am present. I am close. You don’t always have to look up to heaven. Look beside you. Or close your eyes and listen. You may not hear an audible voice, but quiet your mind and tune out the world’s distraction. I will speak to your heart, mind, and soul. You can always evaluate what you hear by comparing it to the Bible. It will always be consistent. Share what you hear with a trusted friend as another means of evaluation.

But don’t just acknowledge I have spoken. Don’t just tell someone what I said. I want you to hear me and obey me. Follow me as I lead you. I may offer encouragement or a reminder. But often I will prompt you to take action. I want you to experience the thrill of impacting eternity and as well as strengthening our relationships. Take time to listen and obey today.

Practice tuning in to hear God’s voice. Be still and listen. Reflect on your Bible reading and listen. Pray and listen. Listening means hearing and obeying. So if God prompts or nudges you in some way, take action.