SUMMARY: Overcome evil
OVERVIEW: Abigail protects David from making an unwise decision, and she helps him overcome evil with good.
BIG IDEA: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
KEY VERSE: 1 Samuel 25:32–33 (David to Abigail)
David replied to Abigail, “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who has sent you to meet me today! Thank God for your good sense! Bless you for keeping me from murder and from carrying out vengeance with my own hands.”
It takes great faith to trust me when others seek to harm you or speak negatively about you. But when you don’t trust me, you’re putting a higher value on your emotions than on my power. I am sure it can be challenging to wait on me, but it is worth it. Let me build your character and strengthen your faith while providing judgment at the right time. Let me shape you into the person who responds through faith and not in anger. Trust me in the process.
I also want you to trust me when those you love are hurt or offended. It is equally tempting to want to lash out to protect them. I know you want justice and feel the need for revenge. Remember that I know all, and nothing gets past me. When your anger rises, turn to me. Call on me and invite me not only to make things right but to calm your nerves and bring peace to your soul.
The next time someone hurts you or someone you love, take a walk or get someplace private where you can pray. Talk to God and then talk with friends you trust will listen and help you choose your next steps. Avoid friends who may try to stir your emotions.