1 Samuel 22

1 Samuel 22

1 Samuel 22:1-23


OVERVIEWSaul is desperate for vengeance on David. He attempts to bribe his men to follow him, and he has innocent priests and their families killed to prove he is in charge.

BIG IDEACheck your motives.

KEY VERSE1 Samuel 22:17 (King Saul to his guards)
And he ordered his bodyguards, “Kill these priests of the Lord, for they are allies and conspirators with David! They knew he was running away from me, but they didn’t tell me!” But Saul’s men refused to kill the Lord’s priests.

Don’t ignore me when you are hurting, angry, or confused. That is the best time to connect with me. It may be hard to stop—or slow down—to evaluate what’s happening, but it will be the best thing to do. Talk to me about all that is going on and all that you’re feeling. Process it with me and allow others to stand with you. Don’t hide what you’re feeling, and don’t try to solve problems on your own. 

Stop demanding that life should be fair. It is not. It is sin-infected, but it is still under my authority, so let me help you. There will be a day when the crooked is made straight, and pain and misery are gone. That day is coming, but it’s not here yet. But I am here today, I am with you now, and I will be with you forever. Take my hand and walk with me. I will show you the way to go.

Identify the busiest time of your schedule today and force yourself to step aside from whatever you are doing to be still before God. Stop and wait for him. Sit quietly or listen to a worship song. Read some Bible verses or talk with God. Step out of the busy and into the quiet.