1 Samuel 18

1 Samuel 18:1-30


OVERVIEWSaul fears David and wants to get rid of him. God’s hand is on David, however, which only increases Saul’s anger.

BIG IDEADon’t fight God. Submit to him.

KEY VERSE1 Samuel 18:28–29 (Saul’s fear)
When Saul realized that the Lord was with David and how much his daughter Michal loved him, Saul became even more afraid of him, and he remained David’s enemy for the rest of his life.

I am not your enemy. I am for you. I am the one who protects you and provides for you when you aren’t even aware. Don’t fight me. You will face enough challenges in your day, so submit to me, instead. Recognize that I am the one you can turn to when things are good or bad. Your circumstances may change, but I never do. When you need someone or something, I am here for you. But that truth won’t help you if you ignore me.

Don’t allow your emotions or fears to drive your life. Surrender them to me. Let me help you overcome the challenges and gain victory. That’s especially true when you are your own worst enemy. Stop beating yourself up for things you’ve done or lamenting the things you should have done. Today is a new day, and this is the moment you can begin again. Right now. I am here for you. Trust me, and let me lead you. Give my Spirit control.

Are you ignoring God’s promptings or nudges to make a change in your life? Do you tune God out by keeping busy or always have the TV or music playing? Turn off the noise and be still before God. Talk with a trusted friend about how you sense God is leading you.