SUMMARY: Bird food
OVERVIEW: God provides food for Elijah through the birds and a poor widow.
BIG IDEA: God always provides.
KEY VERSE: 1 Kings 17:5–6 (Elijah followed God’s instructions)
So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.
Nothing is impossible for me. Therefore, follow my commands even when you feel like obedience is pointless. I can and will provide. I am a miracle maker, so walk with me and watch me fulfill my promises. Trust my Spirit. When I nudge you to walk or drive a certain way, do it. When I prompt you to pray for someone or contact the person, follow through. I am at work in the world, and I invite you to be part of my activity.
Don’t be surprised by my miraculous provision. Expect it. Speak to others with confidence that I will provide. Pray boldly. But leave the results up to me. I always supply what you need, but it may not always be in the ways you expect or request. Because I am faithful, and because I love you and those you care about, you can trust me. But walk with people through their hope and disappointment, joy and sorrow. Remind them I am with them, that I will always be there.
Is there someone God has put on your heart to pray for? Is there someone God wants you to encourage or spend time with? Follow through on those God-prompts. Even if they appear to amount to nothing, you will discover what God was up to in time.
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