SUMMARY: Bad leadership
OVERVIEW: Both Rehoboam and Jeroboam selfishly ignored God and chose their path. Rehoboam rejected wise counsel, and Jeroboam prevented people from true worship.
BIG IDEA: Seek godly wisdom and obey it.
KEY VERSE: 1 Kings 12:28 (Rehoboam’s unwise action)
So on the advice of his counselors, the king made two gold calves. He said to the people, “It is too much trouble for you to worship in Jerusalem. Look, Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of Egypt!”
Be wise. Wise men and women know they don’t know it all. They seek advice and reach out to others for wisdom. However, seek godly counsel. Don’t just go to those who say what you want them to say. Don’t only hear what you want to hear; listen to me; listen to the truth. Test everything you hear with what I’ve written in the Bible. Let my words be your plumb line—your measuring stick.
You will not always want to hear from me, and you will not regularly want to obey me. Recognize that about yourself and commit to following me, regardless of what you think or how you feel. There will always be a less complicated way to live or alternative ways to think. Don’t get lazy and select the seemingly easy path. Following me is narrow and steep. The highway to hell is spacious and effortless. Take another route. Seek me and persevere in walking with me. Don’t give in to other offers—they never deliver. I will always provide for you.
Ask 2-3 trusted friends, “What is one thing you think I should change in the way I live?” Listen and do not respond, other than to thank your friends for their feedback. Take the next few days to prayerfully reflect on what you heard and respond as God leads.