SUMMARY: Reality
OVERVIEW: John reminds his readers that Jesus is real. He and the disciples have seen him and touched him and, therefore, proclaim the truths he taught.
BIG IDEA: Live out your faith, so others know it’s real.
KEY VERSE: 1 John 1:3 (John’s encouragement to all believers)
We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
I am real. John’s words from this chapter and the stories of others throughout history testify of my reality. Jesus went to earth to be the living reality of my expression of love to humanity. Experience my love and then live it out in community with other believers, loving and serving one another as worship to me. Live in such a way that others point to your life as evidence of my love and power.
Don’t lie to yourself or others by pretending you don’t sin. Don’t downplay sin so that others don’t feel bad. When you do that, you’re only fooling yourself and calling me a liar. Why else would Jesus have to die? Your new reality as my follower means you are my forgiven, cleansed child. I no longer remember your sin. I separate you from your sin as far as the east is from the west. That is your new reality. Live in freedom as one released from the penalty of sin.
Confess your sin to God quickly and regularly so that you live freely in Christ. Confess your sin publicly to those who love you so that you can be encouraged and supported to follow Jesus day-by-day.
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