OVERVIEW: Paul does not want the Corinthian church to tolerate sin and addresses an issue of sexual immorality.
BIG IDEA: Address and confront sin within the church.
KEY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 5:11 (Paul to the Corinthians)
I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people.
I am not asking you to be the sin police—that’s the Holy Spirit’s job. He will convict those who need it, so they repent from their sin and return home to my open arms. However, don’t ignore blatant sin. Don’t laugh at it and wonder how long a person can get away with it. That response is just as destructive as the sin. When sin is out in the open, and people look the other way, it sends mixed messages.
Keep high standards in the church. There is always room for grace and forgiveness—always. No one is beyond my love and mercy. But those who view faith as a game or a joke and do whatever they please, when and where they want, will have consequences. Do not walk around town or work or school, pointing out sin in people’s lives. I will judge those outside the church. But do not tolerate the professing believer inside the church who disrespects me and my word.
Pray regularly for those inside your church to know Jesus and to submit and surrender to him. Pray for sin to be appropriately addressed, and that people would confess their sin immediately.
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