1 Corinthians 16

1 Corinthians 16. healthy church

1 Corinthians 16:1-24

SUMMARYHealthy church

OVERVIEWPaul describes a church that gives regularly, loves its leaders, and serves one another.

BIG IDEADo everything in love.

KEY VERSE1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (Paul to the Corinthians)
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.

I love the church. It is my vehicle for hope and transformation in the world. I have given some gifts of leadership and others gifts of compassion. I want those gifts to be used in politics, community events, local schools, and any other place there is a need. But I want those gifts to shine in the church. May the church be the hub of hope for the world, where all people are welcome, where they gather for encouragement and care.

Financially support the church so that it always has resources to serve others. The discipline will serve you well, reminding you that I am the one who gives you the energy and intelligence to work. And warmly greet one another. Rejoice with those who can rejoice and mourn with those suffering loss. Live and function as a unified body. Care for one another so that the world may see the hope found in Jesus. Be courageous and strong today. Don’t act out of fear but in the power of Jesus, do everything in love.

What are 2-3 practical ways you can act in love or show courage today? Write them down and text a friend what you will do. Ask your friend to pray for you and then let him or her know how it went.


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