1 Chronicles 8

1 Chronicles 8

1 Chronicles 8:1-40

SUMMARYKey characters

OVERVIEWChapter eight identifies noteworthy Old Testament leaders from the tribe of Benjamin: Ehud, King Saul, Jonathan. In the future, this tribe would produce Saul (later named Paul).

BIG IDEAYour family members are valuable.

KEY VERSEPhilippians 3:5 (the Apostle Paul described)
I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law.

Family is important. You are my child, and other believers are your brothers and sisters. We are your eternal family, which is one reason healthy relationships on earth are so meaningful. You won’t bring sin or jealousy or bitterness to heaven—there’s no place for those there—so why bother with it here on earth? Work hard at mending relationships. Don’t worry so much about being right. Focus on being healthy. And use your time wisely. If you’re not going to experience tension in your relationships in heaven, why have it with your limited time on earth?

I want your earthly family to be part of your eternal family. Pray consistently for them, and don’t hold back from telling them about me and my offer to love and forgive them. Earthly families are some of the most challenging people to reach, but you will experience some of the greatest joy from worshipping with them. Don’t give up on them, and don’t get lazy around them, either. Follow me on the street, at work and school, and—especially—at home.

Pray for your family members every day this week. Call or hang out with any that God puts on your heart.