Pass It On

Jesus gave us the game plan to make an eternal impact:

Make Disciples

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind




Don't Let Your Church Go Through the Motions

  • Tired of hearing your church wants deeper Bible teaching?

  • Concerned that the same group of people do everything?

  • Frustrated by those who are intimidated to serve and say, “I can’t do that.”

Refocus your energy on Jesus’ final directive: Make Disciples.

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

Disciple-making is the most proven, powerful, and effective multiplication strategy

  • Equip your church to feed themselves so they can equip others

  • Unleash a healthy church body where everyone plays a part

  • Establish an "I can do this" mentality — disciple-making is a team sport.

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

The Process


Evaluate everything: your church’s history, programs, and culture through the lens of the Bible and various disciple-making strategies.


Draft key documents that refocus your church’s emphasis as a disciple-making church. You’ve identified WHY; now brainstorm the WHAT and HOW.


With the advantage of group evaluation, continue to revise and review your plan and select your church’s most strategic next steps and the timeline for each.

Who Leads the Refocus Mastermind?

Gregg Farah is a life-long learner committed to following Jesus and equipping others to do the same.

Gregg has served as a pastor for 30 years and is currently the Discipleship Pastor at Faith Church in the Seattle suburbs.

Gregg has planted a church in New York City, served at Saddleback Church in Southern CA, and led ministry at cross-cultural churches in the northeast and northwest. He has experience at small, medium, and large churches, as well as leading in urban and suburban settings.

Additionally, Gregg has served with Slingshot Group for the last 10 years, a church staffing and coaching organization committed to building remarkable teams and is a new teammate with the Navigators Church Ministries.

The best part about Gregg is his amazing wife Janine. They have been married 30+ years and have three incredible daughters who make them laugh and inspire them.


Gregg Farah gets it! He understands that connection results in commitment. His focus on discipleship is a breath of fresh air in today’s ministry atmosphere.

Dr. Mike Rubino, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Bible Church

There are few people that I think of more highly than I do Gregg. He has been an asset to so many churches and he will be one for yours as well.

David A Miller, Slingshot Group 

From the moment I met Gregg Farah, he struck me as a kind of “voice crying in the wilderness” for making disciples. His singular focus on fulfilling the central imperative of the great commission has been a great gift to our church community, and I’m grateful for the disciple-making culture he has helped foster and create.

Henry Fuhrman, Pastor, Shelter Rock Church, NY

REFOCUS Outcomes

At the end of the 6-month Mastermind, you’ll have…

  • A biblical statement declaring why you and your church will commit to disciple-making

  • An honest evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your current strategy

  • A preliminary description of what a disciple looks like at your church (how they feel, what they think, and what they do)

  • An initial disciple-making strategy with short-term (1-3 months) and long-term (1-3 years) next steps

  • A revised calendar and budget for your next ministry year that reflects a disciple-making emphasis

  • Ideas on how to incorporate disciple-making into your weekend gatherings

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

What Else Should I Know?

  • The first three months focus on group instruction via Zoom. The second three months focus on strategy implementation. We will evaluate and revise as a group via Zoom.
  • Invite up to two others from your church
  • Complete required reading and assignments before each session
  • You will construct, reconstruct, or refine a disciple-making strategy that makes sense for your church

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

When Is It?

The Next Refocus Mastermind is forming.

Your cohort awaits. This is the best time to evaluate, strategize, and prepare application steps to launch short-term and long-term goals that leave an impact today and beyond.

Don’t wait to register. Space is limited to insure personal attention.

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

What's the Investment?

$997 for the six-month cohort

This is a financial investment, but imagine the cost of another year of frustration — or worse — the treadmill ministry where you run hard but don’t get where you want to go?

For about the cost of breakfast each day, you will not only lay a foundation of disciple-making for your church, but you’ll be equipping your church to do the very thing Jesus commanded: Make Disciples.

Pass It On!

Apply for the REFOCUS Mastermind

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Questions? Text or call Gregg at 646-335-3342 or email