My Prayer…

Forgive me

God, it’s easy to talk about the problems I see on TV and ignore the defiance in my heart. Forgive me.

It’s easy to get angry with the injustice my friends have experienced yet ignore inappropriate talk spoken in my presence. Forgive me.

It’s easy to burn and boil at stories I read about or watch on film and then put the book down or walk out of the movie theater and do nothing about it. Forgive me.

It’s easy to identify racism in other people yet be blind to my sinful thoughts, words, or inaction. Forgive me.

It’s easy to nod in agreement that something must be done but sit and wait for others to come up with a plan. Forgive me.

It’s easy to speak against racism and teach the image of God in each person yet surround myself only with people who look like me and think like me. Forgive me.

It’s easy to pray this prayer and wait for things to improve. Forgive me.

Give me wisdom, give me courage, and give me the commitment to value others above myself.

Give me wisdom, give me courage, and give me the commitment to show my love for you by loving my neighbor as myself.

Give me wisdom, give me courage, and give me the commitment to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you.

Forgive me for how I have lived. Thank you for a new opportunity to live the life you intended and modeled by Jesus.

I can do nothing in my strength but all things through Christ. It is in his name and authority I pray today. Amen.

I want to help you say "No" to a boring life and "Yes" to a faith that matters. Let's make a plan for your life, for your church, or both! Contact me at

14 thoughts on “My Prayer…

  1. Amen! Amen and Amen!!!! Powerful and meaningful prayer.
    Phil 4:13 is one of my favorite verses because it always reminds me that we can only go so far on our own, but with and through Christ we can do what is impossible for us to do in our own strength.
    Thank you for sharing this prayer! It will be my prayer too

      1. Amen! We sure do.
        By the way, just wanted to let you know that I did see the movie “Just Mercy” sometime in March at the beginning of the quarantine. An amazing true story of justice

      2. Sharing is caring
        Caring is loving
        Loving is believing
        Believing is everything
        You are so often the shepherd and continue to feed and nourish your sheep (so many you keep) how special I feel ❤️
        Thanks and praise.

          1. Thank you! But may we all aspire to be the greatest followers of the greatest leader: Jesus!

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