Welcome to Day 4 of the Next Step Challenge
This is the video I do not want you to miss.
As we talk about time and our use and misuse of it, it’s easy to get discouraged.
As we focus on goals and identifying what matters most, it’s easy to get frustrated that we’re not doing the things we want to do, or wish we were doing those things better.
And as we’re reminded that only three things last for eternity, it’s tempting to want to re-write the past and start over.
Don’t do that.
First, thank God for this moment. For this day. For your teammates and your church. You are being encouraged (challenged) to take steps towards a healthy relationship with God and prioritize your life to invest in things that last for eternity.
Don’t look back; look ahead. The Apostle Paul instructed us to be careful in how we live and to make the most of every opportunity. That’s good counsel, and he has something for us today, too.
What’s the Day 4 Challenge?
Thank God for his forgiveness
(and extend forgiveness to others)
Today’s challenge is easy to read but difficult to practice. But it’s one you’ll get to practice for the rest of your life. Start today.