30-Day Next Step Challenge. Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of the 30-Day Next Step Challenge

Your system is perfectly designed to give you the results you are getting.

W. Edwards Deming

Such a tremendous quote in the context of our use of time and our life satisfaction. This is what our Daily Challenges have been building towards. First, assess our time by tracking how we’re spending it (Day 1), then identify our big rocks (what’s most important) (Day 2), and today we will take a first step in taking action on prioritizing one of those big rocks.

Today we’re going for a walk. Grab your sneaks.

What’s the Day 3 Challenge?

Identify a 5-minute time slot each weekday to spend with God.
[Plan A/B]

Remember, don’t be overwhelmed by what you can’t do. You have to factor in your season of life. Don’t compare your schedule to someone else. Evaluate your use of time, prayerfully select your Big Rocks, and then one-by-one set goals and determine when and where you will accomplish each.

If one rock is to “Improve my relationships at home,” that is a terrific priority, but it’s a long-range investment. Think of small practical ways you can build and strengthen your relationships when you’re home and also identify some additional time in your schedule when you can either pray for your relationship, plan time together, write a card, make a call, etc.

Keep taking steps of faith. God IS at work in your life. Keep going.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5:15-16

I want to help you say "No" to a boring life and "Yes" to a faith that matters. Let's make a plan for your life, for your church, or both! Contact me at hello@letsmakedisciples.org.

2 thoughts on “30-Day Next Step Challenge. Day 3

  1. I get up on Monday through Friday at 5:30am to read my Bible and pray. Saturday and Sunday a little later but prior to anything else in my day.

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